Friday, 7 August 2015

pervasive computing question bank

1. What is Pervasive Computing?
2. What are the basic aspects of a Pervasive Computing environment?
3. What are the major choices available for battery design in Pervasive Computing Devices?
4. Why does Power consumption plays a vital role in pervasive computing?
5. What are the different display device technologies available?
6. What are the 2 basic elements needed with respect to connectivity in Pervasive Computing?
7. Compare and contrast the 1G 2G and 3G technologies.
8. What is meant by 2.5G technology?
9. List the different types of memories available for Pervasive Computing Devices.
10. Describe EPOX Operating System.
11. What is PALM OS?
12. Explain briefly about BE OS.
13. Compare and contrast Windows and Linux OSes.
14. What does the term ‘FITALY’ mean?
15. Describe briefly about the tegic T9 dictionary mode.
16. What is ‘Ocatve’?.
17. What is meant by Bio-Metrics?
18. What is a ‘Haptic Interface’?.
19. What are three steps involved in the process of Synchronization?
20. Why is device management important in Pervasive Computing?
1. Discuss in detail about any two Pervasive Applications of your choice in detail.
2. Explain about the various hardware components involved in Pervasive Computing Devices.
3. Write brief notes on the following.
a. Speech Recognition
b. Handwriting recognition
c. Haptic Interfaces
d. QWERTY and FITALY keyboards
4. Explain in detail about Bio-Metrics. List out its merits and demerits.
5. How is synchronization carried out in a Pervasive Environment? Write brief notes on the syncML tool.
6. What are the various issues related to device management and how are they dealt with?
7. Explain how a Pervasive Web Application can be secured using an ‘Authentication Proxy’.
8. How security is achieved in MVC and JSP based applications?
9. Discuss in detail about the access form PCs.
10. How is access carried out in case of a PDA?
11. Explain in detail about access via WAP.

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